Work Life Balance: How to Stay Healthy at Work
When you work eight hours a day, five days straight, it’s hard to focus on the status of your health. You can find yourself getting out of shape quickly or losing the energy you once had to keep you alert throughout the day. If you’re worried about the state of your health, speak to a medical professional. Click here to see Cosmo Insurance Agency’s Doctor Search and click here to get a quote for your health insurance.
Here are a few tips to keep you healthy throughout your work day!
1. Avoid Snacks
Sitting at an a desk all day can make you more willing to snack throughout the day. Try to eat a healthy snack like fruits. Bring in an apple or a banana to curb your appetite.
2. Drink Water
Drinking eight to ten glasses of water is necessary for you to be able to stay alert all day. Bring a water bottle to work and make sure to stay hydrated to get rid of that 3 o’clock lull.
3. Take a walk
Walking during your lunch break is a great way to stay in shape. Ask a co-worker to join you and you’ll have a walking partner.
4. Bring a healthy lunch
Make sure to have reasonable portions of food at lunch. Try to pick healthier options so that you can have a balanced diet. Sugary food make you sleepy and less motivated to complete your tasks.
5. Move around and stretch!
TNS (tension neck syndrome) is caused when your neck and upper shoulders remain in an awkward position for long periods of time. It’s important to move around and stretch so you can avoid these aches and pains.
As an independent agency, Cosmo Insurance Agency can help you select the perfect individual or family coverage from a broad range of insurers catering to the individual healthcare coverage market. Cosmo has particular expertise in the ACA individual marketplace exchanges. Our knowledge, personal attention, and honesty, will help you make an informed choice.
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