Happy Passover: Five Facts You May Not Have Known About Passover
According to religionfacts.com, “Passover (also known as Pesach and the Festival of Unleavened Bread) is a spring holiday commemorating the Exodus, one the most important events in the history of […]
The Importance of Getting Vaccinated
Immunizations can save your life: vaccines were created to protect yourself from getting severely sick from nasty viruses or diseases that can be life threatening. A great example of how […]
National Doctors’ Day: Acknowledging the Endless Contributions Doctors’ Make to Society
Doctors are a very important part of our world. They educate you on how to live a healthy life; they diagnose diseases, and make huge progressions in the medical field. […]
Consumers Want A Better Digital Health Experience
A report done by NTT DATA Service found that 59 percent of American consumers want a healthcare digital customer experience to be more like online retailers. They want a user […]
Oscar raises $165 million to Invest in Technology Platforms and Accelerate Expansion
Oscar has announced on their website that they have raised $165 million to deepen investments in technology platforms and accelerate expansion. They plan on moving to four to five new […]
Construction Workers Are Less Likely to Have Health Insurance
Of the 20 professions least likely to have health insurance, 11 of them are in the construction industry, according to MarketWatch. According to the Workers Defense Project report, they found […]
How Your Health Can Benefit Your Wealth
Health and finances are intertwined. There are ways to adjust your spending’s to benefit your health and vice versa. Here are some tips to create a healthy balance between the […]
Israel to Launch Big Data Health Project
Almost all of Israel’s nine million citizens belong to four health maintenance organizations (HMOs) who keep members’ records digitally. This is a huge benefit to the medical field since they […]
Reasons Why Single People Do Not Purchase Health Insurance And Why They Should
Top reasons single people do not purchase health insurance and why they should It is too expensive: Yes, health insurance is expensive. But, think of it this way, even if […]
Diabetes Alert Day: Taking Actions to Prevent Diabetes
There are currently over 30 million people with type two diabetes. Of those, 7 million are unaware that they have this disease. The American Diabetes Association urges everyone to take […]