Blog > What’s Next For Healthcare?

What’s Next For Healthcare?

September 27, 2017

As of September 26, the Graham-Cassidy bill has been rejected by Senate Republicans. It was the last move of the 2017 Fiscal Year, which ends September 30, that could repeal and replace the ACA.
Unfortunately,  the Senate was unable to pass legislation even with a 51 vote threshold for a reconciliation bill. More than two of the 52 Republican Senators opposed the repeal and replace bills.

So what’s next for healthcare?

Prior to the leap into the Graham-Cassidy bill proposal, the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions were holding bipartisan hearings to discuss “actions Congress should take to stabilize and strengthen  the individual health insurance market” in 2018. Since the failure of the Graham-Cassidy bill and its inability to gain approval from Republicans, these hearings will possibly resume.

Other than that, the only hope is that the reconciliation process will begin again for the 2018 fiscal year. This means that a 2018 budget reconciliation budget must be created with appropriate instructions to pass through both chambers.

Until then, the Affordable Care Act remains the law of the land.

Cosmo Insurance Agency will provide support so that you may enroll into coverage suited to you and your group, through the ACA.

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