Blog > The Best Way To Prevent High Blood Pressure

The Best Way To Prevent High Blood Pressure

September 18, 2017

High blood pressure is a constant worry for some people. You want to stop it in its track before it turns into a serious medical condition requiring medical attention. But how do you prevent high blood pressure when everyone keeps throwing at you different methods?

Well, a survey came out that the Number 1 way to prevent high blood pressure is actually just maintaining a healthy weight. If you maintain a healthy body weight into your mid-life you can help to preserve low blood pressure.

This is something you should keep note of as high blood pressure is becoming an increasing concern among young adults and is linked to both heart disease and stroke.

The study was lead by John Booth III, who is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

But how did he figure out that maintaining a healthy weight was the number one way to prevent high blood pressure?

Booth and his colleagues looked at the effects of five healthy behaviors:

  • Never smoking
  • Drinking 7 or fewer alcoholic drinks weekly for women or 14 or fewer drinks a week for men
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Getting 150 minutes or more a week of moderate to vigorous physical activity
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.

The study included almost 4,700 volunteers. They were between 18 and 30 years old when the study started in 1985 and 1986.

Over 25 years of follow-up, the researchers measured blood pressure and health behaviors eight times.

People who maintained a healthy body weight were 41 percent less likely to see their blood pressure rise as they approached middle age.

Study volunteers who maintained at least four of the healthy behaviors had a 27 percent decreased risk of high blood pressure by middle age.

If you are worried about your blood pressure level, contact a medical professional as soon as possible. Cosmo Insurance Agency will help set you up with a carrier that will allow you to get a free annual exam. Just call Cosmo today and we can help you navigate the insurance process.

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