Learn how employers can improve communication about employee benefits during open enrollment. Discover strategies for effective communication, including using multiple channels, simplifying information, and leveraging technology.

Improving Communication About Employee Benefits During Open Enrollment: A Guide for Employers

Open enrollment is a crucial time for employees to review and make decisions about their benefits for the upcoming year. Effective communication during this period is essential to ensure employees understand their options and make informed choices. Here are some strategies employers can use to improve communication about employee benefits during open enrollment.

1. Start Early

Why It Matters: Starting the communication process early gives employees ample time to review their options and ask questions.

Best Practices:

  • Pre-Enrollment Communication: Send out initial notifications at least one month before open enrollment begins.
  • Regular Updates: Provide ongoing updates and reminders leading up to and during the enrollment period.

2. Use Multiple Channels

Why It Matters: Different employees have different communication preferences. Using multiple channels ensures that the information reaches everyone.

Best Practices:

  • Emails: Send detailed emails outlining the benefits options, changes from the previous year, and key dates.
  • Intranet: Post information on the company’s intranet where employees can access it at any time.
  • Print Materials: Distribute brochures or flyers with key information for employees who prefer physical copies.
  • Meetings and Webinars: Host in-person meetings or webinars to explain benefits and answer questions in real-time.

3. Simplify the Information

Why It Matters: Benefits information can be complex and overwhelming. Simplifying it makes it easier for employees to understand their options.

Best Practices:

  • Clear Language: Use straightforward, jargon-free language to explain benefits.
  • Visual Aids: Include charts, infographics, and comparison tables to visually represent information.
  • Summarized Options: Provide summaries of each benefits option with key points and costs.

4. Personalize the Communication

Why It Matters: Personalized communication can help employees see how the benefits apply to their specific situations.

Best Practices:

  • Customized Messages: Tailor messages to different employee groups based on their demographics and needs.
  • Personalized Benefit Statements: Provide individual benefit statements showing current coverage and costs.
  • Interactive Tools: Offer online tools or calculators that allow employees to input their information and see personalized recommendations.

5. Provide Training for HR Staff

Why It Matters: HR staff are often the first point of contact for employees with questions about benefits. Proper training ensures they can provide accurate and helpful information.

Best Practices:

  • Comprehensive Training: Train HR staff on all aspects of the benefits plans, including any changes for the upcoming year.
  • FAQs and Scripts: Equip HR staff with a list of frequently asked questions and suggested responses to ensure consistent messaging.

6. Create a Centralized Information Hub

Why It Matters: Having a single, easily accessible location for all benefits information helps employees find what they need quickly.

Best Practices:

  • Benefits Portal: Create a dedicated benefits portal on the company’s intranet where employees can find all relevant information.
  • Document Library: Include a library of documents such as plan summaries, FAQs, and enrollment forms.
  • Contact Information: Provide contact details for HR representatives and benefits providers for further assistance.

7. Encourage Employee Engagement

Why It Matters: Engaged employees are more likely to pay attention to benefits information and make informed decisions.

Best Practices:

  • Interactive Sessions: Host Q&A sessions, workshops, or one-on-one consultations to engage employees and address their questions.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Collect feedback from employees on the communication process and make improvements as needed.
  • Incentives: Offer incentives such as prizes or recognition for employees who complete their enrollment early.

8. Highlight Key Dates and Deadlines

Why It Matters: Clear communication about important dates and deadlines ensures that employees complete their enrollment on time.

Best Practices:

  • Visual Reminders: Use calendars, countdowns, and reminders in emails and on the benefits portal to highlight key dates.
  • Frequent Reminders: Send regular reminders as deadlines approach to ensure employees are aware and take action.

9. Leverage Technology

Why It Matters: Technology can streamline the communication process and make it easier for employees to access and understand benefits information.

Best Practices:

  • Mobile Access: Ensure that all benefits information and tools are mobile-friendly for easy access on smartphones and tablets.
  • Online Enrollment: Use an online enrollment platform to simplify the process and provide instant feedback on selections.
  • Videos and Tutorials: Create short videos and tutorials explaining benefits options and how to enroll.


Effective communication during open enrollment is essential for helping employees make informed decisions about their benefits. By starting early, using multiple channels, simplifying information, personalizing communication, training HR staff, creating a centralized information hub, encouraging engagement, highlighting key dates, and leveraging technology, employers can improve the open enrollment experience for their employees. Clear and comprehensive communication not only helps employees understand their options but also demonstrates the company’s commitment to their well-being and satisfaction.