–Everyone wear red: Decorate the office with hearts and red decoration. Bring in some treats and baked goods for everyone in the office. Create some games like “Guess the kisses”. Fill up the jar with Hershey kisses and have everyone in the office guess how many Hershey kisses are in the jar, whoever guesses the right amount wins the jar.
-Play Valentine-themed Pictionary or charades. Bring paper and pens and ask participants to submit titles of love-related movies, songs, etc. Then play Pictionary or charades, awarding a prize to the winning team
-Celebrate American Heart Month. Every February is a month to raise awareness of the deadliest disease in America, heart disease. Promote fitness and healthy recipes. Start a Pinterest chain board where everyone adds in their favorite healthy recipe. Take a hike or bike ride together during your lunch break.
-Spread love throughout your community. Get involved in a local charity, donate clothing and food to a local homeless shelter, or start a month long penny drive.
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source: https://nelsonjobs.com/5-fun-valentines-day-workplace-celebration-ideas/amp/