Celebration Of Life Day is when we take a step back and truly appreciate our children and grandchildren. Granted, some may do this on an everyday basis, but it’s an opportunity to look at our young ones’ lives from a different angle, think about what it is that makes them truly special, and of course, to lavish treats upon them if we so wish, be it an ice cream or a trip to Disneyland.
Celebration of life day is a perfect day to acknowledge the importance of long term care insurance. At some point, we all worry about aging and the time our life savings will deplete, or we’ll be a burden on our children to assist us physically and/ or financially. Celebrating life also includes getting yourself covered for crisis situations.
Long Term Care (LTC) insurance will give you the protection you will need. A LTC plan benefits will kick in at any point that you can no longer independently perform two of the six “activities of daily living”: eating, bathing, dressing, using the bathroom, getting in and out of a chair, and maintaining continence.