There have been some changes in New Jerseys health care system. Cosmo Insurance Agency is always up to date on the changes happening in insurance. We have brokers here ready to answer any questions you have. Here is some changes that are happening right now..
–Oscar Health rejoins New Jersey for the year of 2018.
–There are rate increases including:
AmeriHealth: 17.1% increase
Horizon BCBS: 22% increase
Oscar Health: New to the exchange for 2018. So no applicable rate increases
–Cost of CSR has been added to silver exchange plans in New Jersey
–NJ may cap prescription drug costs
–2017 enrollment: 2% higher than 2016
-How would ACA repeal impact New Jersey? It is reported that 670,000 people in New Jersey had gained coverage under the ACA. If the law is repealed and not replaced with something equally robust, many of them would lose their coverage.
It is currently open enrollment for the year of 2018. We are updated on all the policies that are happening at the moment. Do not forget that the deadline is December 15. There are absolutely no exceptions after the deadline. Give us a call today! 732-363-3888.