42% of Americans have had a friend or relative suffer from a terminal illness or coma in the last five years. That’s nearly half of the population who are being diagnosed with a terminal illness and this half hasn’t had access to all of the medical treatments available due to regulations. Federal and state regulations and the threat of lawsuits deterred pharmaceutical manufacturers from allowing patients to try new drugs until they’ve been fully tested and declared safe by the FDA. That process could take years – years patients don’t have.
The Senate has come to a unanimous decision and have come forth with a new bill, “The Right to Try”. The bill encourages companies to make experimental drugs available and it eliminates the current requirement the FDA approve issuance of drugs-in-development directly to patients. Terminally ill patients will now have the ability to access experimental treatments with ease. Thirty-seven states now have similar laws on the books and there’s one pending in New Jersey. The bill will not only offer protection to companies that permit early use of experimental drugs, it prevents them from charging outrageous prices and it gives them plenty of legal cover.
If you are showing symptoms of any serious medical condition, see a medical professional immediately. Cosmo Insurance Agency offers a doctor search that will allow you to choose the doctor you want under one of our carriers. Otherwise, if you have any questions regarding health insurance and need a better understanding of your benefits call us today. Cosmo Insurance is open to all calls from 9 AM to 5 PM from Monday to Friday.
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