Learn how adolescent addiction is impacting families and workplaces, and discover how comprehensive benefits can help the whole family. Explore Pelago's innovative approach to substance use management and how it addresses stigma, mental health, and harm reduction. Discover the role of employers in supporting families and breaking the cycle of addiction.

Addressing Adolescent Addiction: How Your Benefits Can Help the Whole Family


The rising rates of substance misuse disorder and addiction among adolescents are raising concerns not only about the health and well-being of young individuals but also about the impact on their families and the workplace. With more than 5 million people under the age of 18 struggling with substance use disorders, employers are realizing the importance of providing comprehensive benefits that address the needs of the whole family. This article explores the challenges posed by adolescent addiction, the role of benefits in supporting families, and the innovative approach taken by Pelago to tackle these issues.

Learn how adolescent addiction is impacting families and workplaces, and discover how comprehensive benefits can help the whole family. Explore Pelago's innovative approach to substance use management and how it addresses stigma, mental health, and harm reduction. Discover the role of employers in supporting families and breaking the cycle of addiction.

The Scope of Adolescent Addiction

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports that over 5 million adolescents have a substance use disorder, and a staggering 90% of them will not receive treatment. This alarming statistic underscores the urgent need for early intervention and comprehensive support systems for adolescents struggling with addiction. However, addiction doesn’t only affect the individual; it has profound implications for their families and workplaces as well.

Impact on Families and Workplaces

Caring for adolescents with substance use disorders takes a toll on parents’ psychological well-being and financial stability. According to Pelago, 75% of parents have missed work due to concerns about their child’s well-being. This not only affects the parents’ productivity but also creates ripple effects within the workplace. The stigma associated with addiction and mental health disorders still exists, impacting both families and the workplace environment.

Pelago’s Comprehensive Approach

Pelago, formerly known as Quit Genius, has expanded its resources to include adolescent care for tobacco, opioid, and alcohol misuse disorders. Dr. Yusuf Sherwani, CEO and co-founder of Pelago, emphasizes the importance of family support in combating addiction. Their substance use management program provides coordinated care accessible virtually, addressing harm reduction and the underlying mental health issues associated with addiction.

Combating Stigma and Providing Holistic Care

Adolescents struggling with addiction often face a double burden: the addiction itself and the stigma associated with seeking help. Pelago’s program aims to combat stigma by offering a comprehensive care approach that includes virtual access to coordinated care, medication like Suboxone, and counseling for mild to moderate mental health conditions. By focusing on harm reduction and abstinence, Pelago provides an alternative to the misconception that in-patient rehab is the only solution.

Recognizing the Importance of Family-Centered Benefits

Employers are increasingly realizing the importance of considering the whole family when designing benefits packages. Adolescent addiction treatment is an area that requires attention, as addressing addiction not only benefits the individual but also positively impacts the family and workplace productivity. Dr. Sherwani emphasizes the need to invest in solutions that support employees and their families, ensuring that the workplace remains a productive and supportive environment.

Learn how adolescent addiction is impacting families and workplaces, and discover how comprehensive benefits can help the whole family. Explore Pelago's innovative approach to substance use management and how it addresses stigma, mental health, and harm reduction. Discover the role of employers in supporting families and breaking the cycle of addiction.


Adolescent addiction poses significant challenges that extend beyond the individual. Employers have a crucial role to play in addressing these challenges by providing benefits that support the whole family. Pelago’s innovative approach to substance use management offers hope by combining harm reduction, virtual care, and mental health support. By recognizing the interconnectedness of family well-being and workplace productivity, employers can contribute to breaking the cycle of addiction and building a more supportive society.

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