A Revolutionary Approach to Combatting Burnout: Exos Shows the Way

In recent years, the term ‘burnout’ has not only become a buzzword but also a profound reality for many professionals around the world. As the lines between professional and personal lives blur, especially in light of the global pandemic, ensuring employee well-being has become more challenging than ever. But what happens when a company, whose core business revolves around enhancing well-being, faces burnout among its own ranks? Exos, a leading corporate wellness company known for training athletes and serving a sizable chunk of Fortune 100, faced this very challenge.

Recognized for enhancing performance and wellness, Exos found itself in unfamiliar territory when their 3,000-strong workforce began to exhibit signs of burnout. But true to their ethos of improvement and balance, they decided to act rather than react.

Discover how Exos, a leading corporate wellness company, is revolutionizing the approach to employee well-being by instituting a recovery-focused culture, including a four-day workweek, to combat burnout.

Listening to Their People

Through monthly employee pulse surveys, Exos was able to capture the real sentiments of its workforce. The feedback pointed to an urgent need for rejuvenation and a rebalancing of work.

In an era where employee feedback often goes unheard, Exos decided to change the narrative. They not only listened but acted on the feedback, rolling out a recovery plan for their employees. They also graciously made this plan available online, serving as a potential blueprint for other companies facing similar challenges.

Shifting Gears with a Four-Day Workweek

Perhaps one of the most radical yet effective strategies they employed was the introduction of a four-day workweek pilot program. While skeptics might question its viability, Greg Hill, Exos’s Chief People Officer, emphasized the underlying philosophy. The focus wasn’t merely on reducing workdays but on instituting a culture of ‘recovery’. The belief was simple yet powerful – intense work, complemented by intense recovery, leads to sustainable performance.

Moreover, the autonomy given to employees in choosing their off day meant that the implementation was adaptable and tailored to individual and team needs. Such flexibility was crucial in making the transition smoother and more effective.

Beyond Just a Day Off

While the four-day workweek garnered much attention, Exos’s holistic approach was multi-faceted. The organization also introduced a virtual coaching program, a wellness app guiding employees on breaks, and significantly reduced the number of video meetings. The latter change alone had a palpable impact, with teams reporting better interactions and increased asynchronous work.

Discover how Exos, a leading corporate wellness company, is revolutionizing the approach to employee well-being by instituting a recovery-focused culture, including a four-day workweek, to combat burnout.

A Data-Driven Approach

To ensure the effectiveness of their new strategies, Exos leveraged both quantitative and qualitative metrics. From performance appraisals to manager surveys, they continuously gauged productivity levels. Employee feedback, especially from distinct groups like single parents, was crucial in refining the approach.

A Human-First Perspective

One of the key takeaways from Exos’s journey is the importance of viewing employees as humans first. This might seem like an obvious statement, but it’s surprising how often this simple truth gets overshadowed by business imperatives. As Greg Hill aptly summarizes, companies should evaluate their ingrained practices and be ready to change if they’re not serving the holistic well-being of their employees.

In an era where employee well-being is paramount, Exos’s approach serves as a beacon for corporations worldwide. It’s not just about wellness programs or perks; it’s about genuinely listening, adapting, and prioritizing people above all else.