What is Net Neutrality and How Does it Affect You?

“Net neutrality” is the principle that all internet service providers treat all content and data, regardless of where it’s coming from, equally.  This means that the service providers can not […]

IBM Watson: Supercomputer for the Healthcare Community

IBM Watson is a “technology platform that uses natural language processing and machine learning to reveal insights from large amounts of unstructured data.”  If you haven’t seen IBM Watson’s appearance […]

How To Save Enough For Retirement

Saving for retirement can be a headache.  People don’t know where to begin and how much to save.  There are steps you can take to ensure you are saving enough […]

How to Prepare For The Flu Season

Winter is coming and that means flu season is coming along with it.  The flu does not discriminate who it infects.  Workers miss approximately 5 days a year due to […]

Celebrating Human Rights Day

This is a day to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document that proclaimed the inalienable rights which everyone is inherently entitled to as a […]

Update On Phil Murphy’s Health Care Policies

Democratic Gov.-elect Phil Murphy believes that everyone should have the right to health care.  Bu he believes that there are limits to what a governor can do in the face of an […]