What Does Open Enrollment Mean For Your Employees?
During Open Enrollment, your employees can change their healthcare coverage. It only occurs once a year, unless there is a qualifying life event. It is important to note that job-based plans may have different enrollment periods.
Open Enrollment 2018 an opportune time for employees to change coverage, ask questions, and even receive early signing incentives. In addition, it gives access to health care and choosing the best option for your needs.
So what options does Open Enrollment bring to your employees?
Change policy or coverage
With the increasingly high cost of deductibles and premiums, you may need to upgrade or downgrade your current health policy or coverage. For example, you might need to switch to a higher deductible if your monthly premium is breaking the bank and causing you to budget your other expenses. Make sure that you take the time to shop around and research your options.
It has become practice among some small businesses to offer a reward for employees who have already registered. It could be a minor mention in a meeting or a nice lunch. Whatever the incentive, it is guaranteed to boost employee morale. Be sure give them enough time to review plan options, and providing regular reminders that decision.
Insurance brokersBrokers will have the answers to all your questions about open enrollment. Knowledgeable brokers from Cosmo Insurance Agency can help employers go through account and documentation during pre-enrollment meetings. In place of waiting until the last minute. Cosmo Insurance Agency’s health insurance agents can create a roadmap for benefits that will allow you to attain maximum ROI and make open enrollment hassle-free.
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