Blog > Oxford Raises Premiums on Transitional Renewals, Cosmo Has Options

Oxford Raises Premiums on Transitional Renewals, Cosmo Has Options

November 10, 2017

Open Enrollment is here, but not without a few bumps and bruises. Oxford New Jersey has raised its premiums on Transitional Renewals by about 80-100%. People are panicking and watching their premiums double right before their eyes.

Don’t worry, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Cosmo Insurance Agency has partnered with reputable carriers in New Jersey that offer great affordable alternatives to Oxford New Jersey. Our brokers have actually put together a chart that displays the best health plans available.

Click one of the below links, the rates are separated by counties.

Health Plans for Northern New Jersey

Health Plans for Southern New Jersey

If you are worried about your premium hike, contact Cosmo Insurance Agency at (732)-363-3888. We will help you find a cost-effective plan that is suitable for you and your needs.

You can also visit our website, and learn more about us. Our website allows you to submit request for a quote. If you know you are in need of new insurance or aren’t insured, be sure to check it out!

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