Blog > International Day of Persons With Disabilities

International Day of Persons With Disabilities

December 3, 2017

Today is the day we celebrate persons with disabilities.  We celebrate them not only today but every day.  The theme this year is “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient society for all”. Individuals with disabilities face challenges on a daily basis.  The objective worldwide is to mainstream disability across all development sectors.  Health insurance is essential for persons with disabilities and their families.  It can be hard to find the right plan that meets the needs of a person with a disability.  Cosmo Insurance Agency is knowledgeable on plans that provide all the needs and benefits that an individual with disabilities needs.

We have some facts for you about disability:

-At least 10% of the world’s population, or 650 million people, live with a disability (1).

-20% of the worlds poor are disabled (2).

-The percentage of children with disabilities not attending school is extremely variable and is between 65 – 85% in some African countries (3).

-Mortality for children with disabilities may be as high as 80% in countries where under-five mortality as a whole has decreased to below 20% (4).

-In many low-income and middle -income countries, only 5-15% of disabled people who require assistive devices and technology have access to them (5).

It is important to recognize the many different sectors of disability. More than a billion people in the world have disabilities.  In many cases a person with disabilities can have poorer health, lower education, fewer opportunities in economics, and higher rates in poverty.  Disability is a human rights issue that is prevalent worldwide.  There are changes we can make as a whole to make sure humans with disabilities are equal across the board.

Cosmo Insurance is here to provide guidance to families who need insurance to suit their needs and possibly someone who has a disability.  Call us today for a free consultation. 732-363-3888.


                                                                                                                       DISABILITY INSURANCE


 1. WHO (1976). Unpublished WHO document No. A29/INF.DOC/1, Geneva, 1976.

2. Elwan A (1999). Poverty and Disability: a survey of the literature, World Bank, Washington.

3. UNESCO (2008). EFA global monitoring report 2009: overcoming inequality: why governance matters. UNESCO, Paris.

4. DFID (2000). Disability, Poverty and Development. DFID, London.

5. WHO (2009). Assistive devices/technologies.


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