Blog > Hurricane Irma Evacuees Arrive in NJ

Hurricane Irma Evacuees Arrive in NJ

September 11, 2017

More than 5.6 million people have been ordered to leave Florida because of Hurricane Irma in the largest evacuation in the United States. The NJ national guard and NYC Urban Search and Rescue Task Force have been deployed to aid those that remain. Some of the evacuees are heading to or have already arrived in New Jersey to remain safe until the frightful storm passes. With storms over 130mph, Hurricane Irma has pounded the state of Florida with great gusts of wind and heavy rainfall. Luckily, the state of New Jersey is not in the path of this powerful force of nature.

Even the animals affected by the hurricane are coming to New Jersey. It has been reported that shelter animals from Florida have been arriving in Madison, New Jersey at the St.Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center. Everyone is coming together to help each other out in this time of need. The New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has also issued an order that temporarily waives the international fuel tax agreement and international registration plan for any commercial vehicles traveling through the state to aid areas affected by Irma and Hurricane Harvey.

Cosmo Insurance Agency sends out our prayers to those who are being affected by Hurricane Irma and hopes everyone is able to find safety at this time.

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