Those individuals who are examining their food nutritional labels, trying to find what has the lowest carbs and the highest amount of protein, this article is for you. You may be thinking that meat is the best way to get a good amount of protein in your diet, but did you know vegetables also contain protein?
These are some of the vegetables that you should be eating to get in your protein intake for the day!
1. Tempah
17 grams of protein per 3-ounce serving
2. Lentils
9 grams of protein per 1/2 cup
3. Sugar Snap Peas
5 grams of protein per a cup
4. Soybeans
30 grams of protein per a cup
5. Broccoli Rabe
3 grams of protein per a serving
6. White Mushroom
3.5 grams of protein per a cup
7. Corn
4 grams of protein in 1 large ear
8. Artichoke
3.5 grams in 1 whole
9. Brussels Sprouts
2 grams of protein per 1/2 cup
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