Pets require a lot of exercise every day and it is your responsibility to make sure that they’re getting enough of it. Taking them for a walk or two a day will give you and your pet exercise. According to a recent survey, 36 percent of pet owners said that having a pet has helped them lose weight.
Those of you who have pets know that when you walk a dog or a pet you are bound to run into another pet owner who wants to chat. Even strangers who do not have a pet will come up to you wanting to pet your fury friend.
Having a pet in the house is a perfect way to teach your children the value of responsibility.
Studies have found that owning a pet can boost your mood and quality of life. Even when life stresses you out, it will melt away immediately when you walk into your house to your pet who is overjoyed to see you.
According to Ingrid Collins, a consultant psychologist at the London Medical Centre, “A pet is better than Prozac. Animals have a completely different agenda to humans, and bring things back to basics. They want comfort, feeding and love. In return, they give huge affection.”
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