Should You Purchase a Catastrophic Health Insurance Plan?

Deciding on which health insurance plan to go with can be difficult. A catastrophic health plan can be a right fit for you if you are a young, healthy individual who rarely visits the doctor’s office. Also, if you are under 30 years old,

Germaphobia? How to Cope During Covid-19 Pandemic

Those who live with OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, the coronavirus outbreak is amplifying their pre-existing fears of germs, says Mark Mayfield, a board-certified counselor and founder and CEO of Mayfield Counseling Centers in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

How HR Has Changed in the Last 20 Days

Businesses are trying to cover a multitude of issues facing them, from managing an unwell workforce and resource management, to legislative leave changes being enforced, to creating furlough strategies, and keeping staff motivated and productive during a pandemic. 

Tips to Keep Your Kids Teeth Healthy

In order for you children to practice good dental care, you have to lead by example.  Follow these five tips to keep your kids’ teeth healthy:

COBRA DOL Extension Guidelines

The Department of Labor’s Employee Benefit Security Administration (EBSA), along with the Treasury Department (collectively, “the Departments”), issued several pieces of guidance over the last week affecting employer-sponsored benefit programs.

How to Clean and Sanitize a Cloth Face Mask

People should be wearing face coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19. When using a mask, it is important to wear and remove it properly. Wash your hands before putting on the mask and then try not to touch it again until you remove it.

Eligible Benefits for Employees or Terminated Employees Returning to Work

Employers with employees returning to work after a leave of absence, reduction in hours (e.g., furlough) or termination of employment (e.g., layoff) may have questions about the implications for medical benefit eligibility and the effect on the ACA’s employer shared responsibility rules.