What Your Teeth Can Tell Your Dentist

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Teeth are like fingerprints every set is unique. In fact, identical twins have different teeth sets. Thanks to teeth being unique, they can tell us about your age, past and even your habits.

Employee Benefits: 5 Questions Business Owners Should Ask


The Right agent can make all the difference in obtaining proper coverage for your insurance needs at significantly reduced premiums. Our staff at Cosmo has knowledgeable agents that put the full weight of their longstanding position in the industry at your disposal.

Health and Dental Insurance Plans: What is a deductible?

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When you have a health or dental insurance plan, depending on your policy, many have a deductible. What is a deductible, you ask. Well a deductible is the amount of money you have to pay before the insurance company will start to help with your medical bills.

National Eye Exam Month: The Importance of Vision Insurance

eye doctor and patient

The month of August is National Eye Exam Month, a month dedicated to the importance of eye health and safety. Vision insurance is designed to help you cover and budget for ongoing vision care expenses like routine eye exams, prescription glasses and contact lenses.

Open Enrollment is Near!

open enrollment

It’s hard to believe that Fall is near. And, what does Fall mean? Open enrollment! Open Enrollment is a period of time when individuals or groups can enroll in a new insurance plan or obtain a new one