First Baby Born in U.S from Dead Donor’s Transplanted Womb

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The Cleveland Clinic says it has delivered the first baby in North America after a womb transplant from a dead donor. Uterine transplants have enabled more than a dozen women to give birth, usually with wombs donated from a living donor such as a friend or relative.

10 Health Benefits of Blueberries


Blueberries are sweet, nutritious and wildly popular.

Often labeled a superfood, they are low in calories and incredibly good for you.

How to Talk With Your Employer About Your Mental Health

Have you ever taken a sick day because your mind rather than your body is under the weather? You’re not alone. An increasing number of workers are taking sick leave for mental health issues. But, we’re not very open about it.

Understanding Health Insurance Appeals Process

shocked couple

In life, we learn quickly to expect the unexpected. That’s a big reason why we buy health insurance. But what if your policy doesn’t cover something you expected it to and you need to file an appeal?

The Sweet Risks of Too Much Sugar

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Sugar has a bittersweet reputation when it comes to health. Sugar occurs naturally in all foods that contain carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy.

Opioids Aren’t Always the Best Choice


Understand the current impact that opioid pain medications have on the community with this infographic. It’s important for dentists and patients alike to be informed