How Often Should You Shower to Stay Health?

“I think showering is mostly for aesthetic reasons,” says Dr. Elaine Larson, an infectious disease expert and associate dean for research at Columbia University School of Nursing. “People think they’re showering for hygiene or to be cleaner, but bacteriologically, that’s not the case.”

Toothache? Need Dental Insurance

Cavities are the most common toothache culprit, but only an oral exam will be able to tell for sure what’s at the root of your pain. Here are some other reasons why your tooth may be throbbing:

What to Do When Your Spouse Gets Medicare?

If your health insurance coverage comes through your spouse’s job, you may lose that coverage when he or she retires and goes on Medicare. You have several options for health insurance if you’re losing your health insurance because your spouse is transitioning to Medicare.

How Healthy is Peanut Butter?

Whether you loved getting peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in your lunchbox, or slathering PB on top of celery sticks for an after-school snack

Moon’s New Teeth Whitening Pen

Jenner just launched an oral care collaboration with a new company called Moon, created by Shaun Neff, for which she co-created her very own product.

Don’t Fry Day: Protect Your Skin

Sunlight is the main source of UV rays, but you don’t have to avoid the sun completely. And it would be unwise to stay inside if it would keep you from being active, because physical activity is important for good health.

Life Insurance: No Medical Exam Needed

When you begin the tedious task of searching for an inexpensive term life insurance plan, you’re bound to become frustrated with what seems like the never-ending process of information gathering. Insurance companies want to find out everything they can about you: