How to Deal with Surprise Medical Bills

1. Review the bill carefully and check for mistakes

Hospital billing departments handle a lot of data. It’s surprisingly common for bills to have errors. Around eight out of 10 hospital bills contain mistakes.

National Poultry Day: Healthy Turkey Bacon and Egg Muffins

Eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast, an open-faced turkey avocado sandwich for lunch and then perhaps a good, ol’ fashioned fried chicken dinner to finish off the day. Poultry is the theme for March 19th as it is National Poultry Day.

6 Facts about Caffeine

Do you rely on caffeine to get you through your day? Are you consuming too much? Here are 6 facts about caffeine since March is Caffeine Awareness Month:

How to Read a Health Insurance Card

Your insurance card is key to getting access to quality health care. There’s a lot of important information on your member ID card. Here’s how to read a Horizon health insurance card:

9 Ways to Help Your Child with Anxiety

Anxiety symptoms are common in children and adolescents. An even larger number of children experience stress that does not qualify as an anxiety disorder. So how can you help to reduce your child’s anxiety and stress?