Is Eating Snow Safe?

There is something magical about playing in the snow, building a snowman, snowball fights and catching snowflakes. This is something we all have done and had been a childhood tradition for kids everywhere. 

4 Things to do on Clean Out Your Computer Day

One way to relieve stress and improve your mental health at the office is to work from a clean and organized workspace. Each employee probably prefers his or her own style of organized workspace, but here are a few cleaning tips for clean out your computer day:

Coughing at Night Keeping You Up

Dealing with a cough is bad enough during the day. But anyone who’s ever had a cold, the flu, or allergies knows that the hacking can get even worse at night

7 Health Benefits of Cold Weather

There’s no doubt about it, when the weather drops, most of us want to do nothing but dive back under the covers. Winter can be tough on our bodies and overall wellbeing. But it’s not all bad! Here are 7 health benefits of cold weather:

Medical Marijuana now can be Used to Treat Opioid Addiction in N.J

Gov. Phil Murphy on Wednesday announced a broad attack on opioid addiction in New Jersey by adding it to the list of illnesses that qualify residents for medical marijuana and expanding Medicaid coverage for medication-assisted treatment, a scientifically proven method of preventing relapses.

5 Surprising Oral Hygiene Statistics

All across America, people have greater access to preventive dental care than they did 50 years ago, but the numbers suggest we could be doing more to keep our mouths healthy.

Fruits & Vegetables: Benefit your Mental Health

We’ve all heard how important it is to eat your fruits and vegetables, there many positive benefits eating produce has on your physical health, a new study led by the University of Leeds also found that incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet could lead to more positive mental health, too.

All About Postpartum Depression

The birth of a baby can trigger a jumble of powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also result in something you might not expect — depression.