5 Common Myths about PEO

5 peo myths

Small business owners and benefits brokers have increasingly turned to outsourcing HR in recent years. And one solution in particular,

U by Kotex Tampons Recalled


U by Kotex Sleek Tampons have been voluntarily recalled by Kimberly-Clark after the company received reports that the feminine hygiene product was unraveling or coming apart inside some users’ bodies

National Maple Syrup Day: Health Benefits

maple syrup

Today is National Maple Syrup Day and the best way to start this perfect day off is to begin the day with pancakes, french toast or biscuits topped off with delicious maple syrup

Fentanyl Most Deadliest Drug in America

prescription drugs

Fentanyl is now considered the most deadliest drug in America, beating out heroin and oxycodone which were involved in the most overdose fatalities between 2011- 2016. In fact

9 Things That Can Damage Your Liver

woman holding her side

Your liver is the largest organ in your body, and it has some equally big responsibilities: filtering the body’s blood, processing nutrients