How to Tell if You Have a Cold or Allergies

“It’s not always easy to tell the difference between allergies and a cold,” says David Cutler, MD, family medicine physician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica,

5 Bathroom Habits That Could Be Making You Sick

Regularly cleaning your bathroom is essential (even better if it’s with these safe cleaning products), but you might be inadvertently spreading germs around the house through some not-so-great bathroom habits.

When Should You Enroll Your Baby in Dental Insurance?

Children can develop cavities as soon as their teeth erupt, starting around 6 months of age. Even before your children get their first teeth, you should begin wiping their gums with a damp cloth after meals. As soon as the first tooth is in, brushing should begin.

Health Benefits of Peanut Butter and Jelly

Is a good old fashion PB & J sandwich healthy?  Sometimes people ask for their kids and sometimes they ask for themselves, as a quick low-cost lunch option. Let’s break it down by ingredients.