4 Signs Your Flu Might be Deadly

he flu is an extremely contagious respiratory illness that is caused by the influenza viruses. According to CDC, there are three types of influenza virus, A, B and C. Influenza

National Clean Off Your Desk Day

This day is an opportunity to begin your new year with a clean and organized workspace.  Whether your desk is in a private or shared office, cubicle, home or a make-shift desk on the counter, having your workspace uncluttered, organized, refreshed and clean will help you work more efficiently and give you a sense of serenity.

6 Signs You Need to Cut Back on Coffee

There is a point when coffee consumption becomes dangerous but the average person would have to drink tons of coffee to have a serious effect of the life.

Stressed Out Millennials

Two Scotland-born brothers, Charles and Alexander Meston, see a tremendous business opportunity in developing a reliable electric motor.

Keto Diet

Two Scotland-born brothers, Charles and Alexander Meston, see a tremendous business opportunity in developing a reliable electric motor.