5 Tips to Nourish Women’s Financial Health

Raising awareness for maternal health is important in ensuring healthy pregnancies and deliveries. Not all parts of the world are lucky enough to have access to quality maternal health care services. Having a conversation about these issues is important is resolving them.

Some astonishing facts about maternal health are:

Every day, approximately 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth.
99% of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries.
Maternal mortality is higher in women living in rural areas and among poorer communities.
Young adolescents face a higher risk of complications and death as a result of pregnancy than other women.
Skilled care before, during and after childbirth can save the lives of women and newborn babies.
Between 1990 and 2015, maternal mortality worldwide dropped by about 44%.
Between 2016 and 2030, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals, the target is to reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100 000 live births.

Why are so many women dying during childbirth?

severe bleeding (mostly bleeding after childbirth)
infections (usually after childbirth)
high blood pressure during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia and eclampsia)
complications from delivery
unsafe abortion.

To improve maternal health, it is the health care industry’s responsibility to address inequalities in access to maternal health care services.
With the advancements in science, technology and medicine, healthcare solutions to prevent or manage pregnancy related complications are well known thus making most maternal deaths preventable through the provision of timely and effective care.

Cosmo Insurance Agency is an independent insurance agency serving surrounding communities in New Jersey. Cosmo keeps its promise to assure an efficient and creative approach to the services we offer. Each of our clients experience a personalized and long-term relationship with us. Our New Jersey based team of health brokers guides our clients in helping them choose the most cost-effective options. By incorporating the latest in technology-based tools and laws on healthcare, employee benefits, life insurance and finance, we keep our clients up-to-date with the plans that encompass all of their needs, whether it is individual or group insurance.