Blog > Ovarian Cancer Awareness: What to Look Out For

Ovarian Cancer Awareness: What to Look Out For

August 9, 2018

September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month which means taking advantage of preventative care benefits that come with your health insurance plan.
Over 22,000 women will receive a diagnosis of ovarian cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society. With that being said, being on top of your ovarian health is important to preventing and treating cancer early.

Firth things first, what is ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a form of cancer, depending on the type and stage of the cancer, where malignant (cancerous) cells are found inside, near, or on the outer layer of the ovaries.
Unfortunately, ovarian cancer is passed down genetically. It most commonly develops in women after they have reached menopause.

If ovarian cancer runs in your family, keep a couple of these things in mind:

Age: Ovarian cancer is mostly found in women over 65, but that does not keep you safe from catching it earlier in life.
Family history/genetics: Women are at higher risk of getting ovarian cancer if runs on the father or mothers (or both) side of the family.
Medical history: If you have a history of previous cancer’s, or have contracted an STD like HPV, you may be at higher risk of getting ovarian cancer.

Symptoms to look out for:

Unusual vaginal bleeding, particularly for women who are postmenopausal.
Pain or pressure in pelvic area.
Abdominal or back pain.
Feeling full too quickly, difficulty eating, or change in appetite.
Change in bathroom habits such as more frequent urination or constipation.

Women who have a health insurance plan will be able to take advantage of preventative care benefits.  Preventative care services help in catching illnesses like cancer early.

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