Celebrate World TV Day by understanding the effects of sitting too close to the screen on your eyes. Discover the benefits of vision insurance for eye health and get tips for healthy TV viewing habits in our latest blog.

World TV Day: The Impact of Screen Time on Your Eyes and the Role of Vision Insurance

November 21st marks World TV Day, a day to celebrate the impact of television as a medium that educates, informs, and entertains. While TV has been a staple in households for decades, it’s important to be mindful of the impact excessive screen time, especially sitting too close to the screen, can have on our eyes. This blog explores these effects and highlights the importance of vision insurance in maintaining good eye health.

The Effects of Sitting Too Close to the TV

  1. Eye Strain: Prolonged exposure to screens can lead to digital eye strain, characterized by dry eyes, irritation, and difficulty focusing.
  2. Blue Light Exposure: Televisions emit blue light, which can disrupt sleep patterns and potentially cause retinal damage over time.
  3. Temporary Blurriness: Staring at a screen for too long without breaks can cause temporary blurriness and discomfort.
Celebrate World TV Day by understanding the effects of sitting too close to the screen on your eyes. Discover the benefits of vision insurance for eye health and get tips for healthy TV viewing habits in our latest blog.

Myths and Realities

It’s a common myth that sitting too close to the TV can permanently damage your eyesight. While it’s not typically the case, it does cause temporary discomfort. Children often sit close to the TV due to their eyes’ ability to focus up close without exerting extra effort, unlike adults. However, if a child habitually sits close to the TV, it might be a sign of nearsightedness, warranting an eye exam.

Vision Insurance: Your Ally in Eye Health

Regular eye exams are crucial in detecting and addressing eye issues, and vision insurance plays a pivotal role in making eye care accessible and affordable. Here’s how:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: Vision insurance typically covers eye exams, prescription eyewear, and, in some cases, discounts on procedures like LASIK.
  2. Preventive Care: Regular check-ups can help in early detection of eye problems, reducing the risk of long-term damage.
  3. Cost-Effective: With vision insurance, the cost of eye exams and prescription eyewear is significantly reduced, making it easier to prioritize eye health.

Tips for Healthy TV Viewing

  1. Take Regular Breaks: Follow the 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  2. Proper Lighting: Ensure the room is well-lit to reduce glare and strain on the eyes.
  3. Appropriate Distance: Sit at a distance that is at least three times the screen’s height.
  4. Blue Light Filters: Consider using blue light filters on screens or wearing blue light-blocking glasses.


On World TV Day, while we embrace the joys of television, let’s also be mindful of our eye health. Sitting too close to the TV can cause temporary discomfort, but with the right habits and regular eye care, we can mitigate these effects. Vision insurance is an invaluable tool in ensuring that we maintain good eye health in the age of screens. Remember to take care of your eyes – they’re the only pair you’ve got!

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