Can Root Canals Cause Health Problems?

root canals

Root canal treatments save teeth that are decayed, infected or seriously injured, explains the American Dental Association (ADA). If you have a deep cavity or a cracked tooth, your dentist may recommend […]

Gratitude Month: The Benefits of Being Grateful

gratitude month

Gratitude has become a buzzword in the healthy living space and it’s more than just saying “thank you.” “Gratitude is a positive emotion, but it can’t be reduced to just that,” says […]

COVID-19 Free Testing Sites in Monmouth County

monmouth covid test

As part of the County’s COVID-19 Free Testing Program, the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders has announced that a testing site will be added to this upcoming week’s schedule at […]

How Coffee Damages Your Teeth


With the recent cold mornings, you might find yourself reaching for that reliable cup of coffee to perk you up. But is coffee good or bad for your teeth? How […]

Final Group Health Plan Transparency Rules Issued


On October 29, 2020, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and the Treasury (collectively, “the Departments”) issued the final rule on transparency in health plan coverage. The final […]

Dental Health Tips During the Flu Season


It’s the time of year when everyone around you starts coughing and sniffling. Once you finally get sick, your teeth may not be on the top of your mind. But […]