Discover 10 surprising and innovative products you can purchase with your FSA funds before the year ends, from sunscreen to genetic testing kits and massage guns.

10 Surprising FSA-Eligible Purchases for Year-End Wellness Splurge

As the year winds down, many of us find ourselves in a frantic rush to use our Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds before they expire. Traditionally, FSAs, which require account holders to spend the saved amount within a calendar year on healthcare-related expenses, have been associated with mundane purchases like co-pays or prescription medications. However, as Susan Elliott-B

Bocassi, SVP of operations at FSA Store, highlights, the scope of FSA-eligible items is far broader and more interesting than many realize. Here, we dive into 10 surprising and often overlooked products you can buy with your FSA dollars before the year’s end. This not only maximizes your benefits but also invests in your well-being in unexpected ways.

Discover 10 surprising and innovative products you can purchase with your FSA funds before the year ends, from sunscreen to genetic testing kits and massage guns.
  1. Sunscreen for All Seasons: Contrary to popular belief, sunscreen isn’t just for summer. UV rays can damage your skin even on cloudy winter days. FSA funds can be used for broad-spectrum sunscreen products, including trendy brands and lip balms with SPF.
  2. Genetic Insight with 23andMe: The Health-only Service from 23andMe, providing genetic insights into your family’s health history, is an innovative way to use your FSA. It’s a unique blend of healthcare and self-discovery.
  3. Feminine Hygiene Products: Often a significant expense, items like sanitary pads, tampons, and menstrual cups are FSA-eligible. Stocking up on these essentials can be a smart financial move.
  4. Migraine and Eye Relief Masks: For those suffering from headaches or eye strain, therapeutic masks offering rhythmic massages and heat can be a soothing purchase with your FSA funds.
  5. Cold and Flu Medicine: With the prevalence of COVID-19 and flu, stocking your medicine cabinet with essentials like Tylenol or nasal sprays is a wise and eligible expense.
  6. COVID-19 At-Home Tests: In our current health landscape, having antigen at-home tests handy is essential. Your FSA can cover these, adding to your peace of mind.
  7. Foot Care Essentials: Items like foot creams and callus removers, often overlooked, are eligible. It’s a chance to give some TLC to a part of our body that bears so much.
  8. Skincare Investments: High-end moisturizers, acne treatments, and pimple patches are not just luxury items; they are also FSA-eligible, blending wellness with self-care.
  9. Breast Pumps and Prenatal Care: For expecting mothers, the financial burden of motherhood can be eased somewhat with FSA. Items like breast pumps and nipple balms fall under eligible expenses.
  10. Massage Guns and Foam Rollers: For those with muscle tightness or chronic pain, these therapeutic devices are not just indulgences but essential wellness tools covered by FSAs.
Discover 10 surprising and innovative products you can purchase with your FSA funds before the year ends, from sunscreen to genetic testing kits and massage guns.


While FSAs are typically associated with more traditional medical expenses, this list showcases the versatility and breadth of products available. It’s an invitation to rethink how we view these accounts – not just as a healthcare necessity but as an opportunity for holistic well-being. So, before the year ends, take a moment to explore these options and make the most of your FSA.

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